Monday, October 1, 2007

Internet Safety

What are my thoughts on Internet Safety? Well...a lot of what I learned while pursuing my MLS concerned the Internet and subsequent Information Revolution, and some of it stuck. I make a number of purchases via the Internet (it's sooo convenient), and I am always sure to carefully consider the website and its policies before I make the decision to provide my personal information. A technology and communications course taught me to check a website for particular levels of verification and security. To this day, I snoop around a website looking for those, if you will, particularities. I feel fortunate to possess such knowledge and awareness. I only wish that the public at large maintained the same understanding. Of course, online purchasing is one issue among many where Internet safety is concerned. Becasue I am a Children's Librarian the safety of children online is a more intense concern. Now there's an issue...

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