Monday, November 5, 2007

Social Networking

I guess I'm a head up on this one. I have had a Myspace account for about 2 years now. I am not practiced in navigating all of the sites listed in the tutorial, but a good many of them I recognized and have had some experience with. As I stated, I have a Myspace account and Myspace is among my favorite social networking sites. What I most like about Myspace is that it provides a space online that you design and control (it's as easy as adding a little html code). You attach your personality to this chunk of cyber space existing out there in the vast world wide web. Ever take a stroll through Mspace profiles? It's quite interesting just to look at others pages - what layout or colors they use; what their statement is (if there is one); what sort of music they're into and so on and so forth. It's also a great place to create smaller, personal networks inside the greater network. I utilize Myspace to communicate with friends and family; promote a friend's music; and, find old friends. As far as my dislikes go....I think I'll have to use this opportunity to do a little Facebook bashing. I also have a Facebook account, but I never utilize it. I found that Facebook did not allow users as much freedom to manipulate your page. It struck me as sort of cold, plain and rigid.

P.S. I've been encouraging everyone at work to get out there and get a Myspace page ;)

1 comment:

ctechnonot said...

Hello Yada Yada,
You do have me talked into it...I am definitely going to do the "myspace" thing. All of your posts are so inteligent and thought out. You probably have an I.Q. of 180!! I really do appreciate all your encouragment and help. As for the "party lines" I really don't know that much about them. I was just a "weeee tike" when we had them. I just know that when the phone rang it wasn't always for us. Sometimes it was for a neighbor. And when you wanted to use the phone you may pick it up and there would be people using it, and you would have to wait until later. What a BUMBER! So tell me what does the term "party lines" tend to stand for now? I am ignorant and curious...Hope you get to feeling better!...:-)