Sunday, November 4, 2007

Technology - Keepin' Up With The Jones'

About technology I'm often told, "You're younger, you get it.", or something along those lines...but, I have to say that "younger" doesn't equal "technology whiz". I too have to learn to remain current on existing and developing technology. Even for myself (being younger) this can be a difficult task. Technology progresses at such a rapid is almost impossible to keep up...I visited a Cingular (cell phone) store just yesterday and found that, as far as cell phones go, I'm behind. I saw that they are now using some of the latest web technologies and phenomenon
to market cell phones. One phone in particuar is built to better interact with social networking sites such as Facebook, and the Facebook name is used to market the phone! And, the i-phone is technology galore. I spent some time with it, and some features were familiar but so many were not. It would take me days or even weeks to have that totally figured out. Oh, and it's not just in cell pphones that I lag technology wise....

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