Sunday, November 4, 2007

Library 2.0

When instructed to read a couple of different perspectives on Library 2.0 from a short list of newsletter entries from OCLC, naturally, I was drawn to the "Into a New World of Librarianship" link. Michael Stephens, a librarian and blogger, writes about the objective and principal traits of Librarian 2.0. This article excited me a great deal, beacause I actually agree with most of what Stephens is saying about 2.0. He lists the key traits as ...

1. Plan for the user - YES!! The focus should be on user wants and needs.
2. Embrace 2.0 to0ls - FOR SURE!! We may not wanna, but we just gots to! That's where it's at-
out there on the Web, utilizing the same tools as the users. I cheered when I read his suggestion that Librarians give things a try -like Myspace. So many times I hear people in the workplace talking about social networking sites like Myspace - they say "I'm too old to have a Myspace - that's for kids." I always say "No! You are never too old to be in the loop, and being in the business you in, staying in the loop is a must!"Besides, it can be loads of fun!
3. No Techno-worship - AMEN!! Be current, but be smart.
4. Be a trendspotter - EVERYDAY!! We have to be on constant lookout. We have to be in sync with our patrons.
5. Content- NOT JUST THE GRAVY! It has to be rock solid.

I also took a look at Away from Icebergs...I agreed and disagreed here. For example, Rick Anderson writes about the "Just in case" collection...Yes, as librarians we should embrace the new tools/applications, and work hard to make those same tools/applications available to users - but do we want to throw the baby out with the bath water (so to speak) by eliminating print????

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